100% audience participation
The down-trodden masses were uplifted by the 'ambient' sounds made by Rus Pearson and Sean Foran all washed down with a choral rendition of audience rejection by Scott Senogles.
The Fine Art of Rejection
Rebecca Strain
Rejection Letter Amnesty with music
Friday 18th July 6-8pm Friday 18th July 6-8pm
All are welcome.
42 New Briggate Gallery, Leeds, LS1 6NU
The main objective of the event is to publicise, gather material, amuse the audience and, of course, liberate and empower the down-trodden masses.
The audience were be invited to hand over material/documents of rejections, disappointments and personal slights by using questionnaires available on the night or by donating materials they bring along with them. The reward for this will be a drink of their choice.
6pm - 7pm: Improvised Jazz from Rus Pearson (double bass), Sean Foran (Electric Piano) and possibly Matt Bourne (Cello). Plus music focused on ruining epic compositional climaxes with unmemorable, pointless and plain-wrong musical conclusions.
7.30pm - 8pm: Stand-up style public reading/re-enactment of various rejections, with musical accompaniment facilitated by sculptor, organist and performance artist Scott Senogles (all 6 foot 7 of him).